Is the Ketogenic diet right for you?

The Keto diet has become popular in the recent decade, but did you know it has been around for over 100 years?

The ketogenic diet has been used as a therapeutic nutritional intervention for many chronic diseases and conditions. A method referred to as medical nutrition therapy.

Current applications of the ketogenic diet high fat, high protein, and low carbohydrate combination. For the body to easily transition into using ketone bodies for fuel, the ratio of fat to protein to carbohydrates are important to keep the delicate balance. This is because the amino acids, that are the building blocks of protein can actually be used as sugars and converted into glucose. This throws the body out of ketosis and takes time to reenter this state.

Glucose is what carbohydrates are broken down into for the body to use as energy. In a balanced diet, they are great fuel for our body and the preferred energy source for our brain.

The body can also use alcohol, fats, and proteins to convert to energy/fuel for the body.

Want to find out if the Ketogenic diet is right for you?

Email me to schedule a consultation.


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